There are various options for using public transport from our hotel.
Do you want to travel to or from Schiphol Airport?
This is possible in just 35 minutes by public transport.
Do you want to travel to Amsterdam Zuid Station (near the Rai Congress Center)?
You can continue your travel in different directions from here.
Total travel time is around 40 minutes.
Do you like to go to the Museumplein in Amsterdam (museum area)?
It takes 45 minutes traveling time by bus.
Do you want to travel to or from Amsterdam Central Station?
Total travel time is approximately 50 minutes.
Do you want to go to or from Amsterdam Arena?
Total travel time 35 minutes to the Amsterdam Arena.
Would you travel by taxi from/to the Grand Hotel Amstelveen?
Citizen Taxi is the proud partner of Grand Hotel Amstelveen.
For questions and/or bookings, please contact: +31 202 117 821